Businesses Wanted
If you have a business and are interested in selling, review the criteria listed below. One of our buyer clients may be interested in your business!
As part of our Buyer Client Program, we represent a number of investment groups searching for companies meeting the criteria specified below. If you have an interest in discussing the Buyer Client Program, or if your company meets any of the criteria listed below, contact us.
Are you considering selling your business? Complete the Confidential Company Profile and a Midwest advisor will contact you to discuss your opportunity!
Acquisition Criteria – Client A Profile
- Sales revenue between $15K and $2MM
- Low-tech or service businesses
- Diverse and stable customer base
- Low-tech product lines
- Low future capital expenditure
- Established Business with good track record
- Preferably within 150 miles of Fort Wayne, IN
Acquisition Criteria – Client B Profile
- Annual sales between $5MM and $50 MM
- Strong, predictable cash flow
- Fragmented industry with no clear market leader
- Production or distribution of low tech products
- Light Manufacturing or product distribution in niche markets
Acquisition Criteria – Client C Profile
- Annual sales between $3MM and $100MM
- Strong market share with significant barriers to entry
- Smaller acquisitions with above average value will be considered
- Divisions of larger companies of interest
Acquisition Criteria – Client D Profile
- Annual sales of $10MM to $50MM and generating a profit
- Manufacturers of industrial or commercial products
- Management continuity is not required
- Sizable market share and/or distinct product or technology
- Not interested in real estate, service, oil & gas, retail, broadcasting, commodities or high tech companies
Acquisition Criteria – Client E Profile
- Focused on leveraged buyouts and recapitalizations in lower middle market
- Base revenues between $10MM and $30MM
- Add-on acquisitions starting at $2MM
- Industries: Consumer Products, Commercial Products, Distribution, Services
Acquisition Criteria – Client F Profile
- Companies valued between $30MM and $150MM when investing 100%
- Revenues over $35MM
- Prefer management to have financial risk through ownership
- Not interested in savings & loans, agricultural commodities, natural resources, real estate, restaurant, gaming, biotech or defense
Acquisition Criteria – Client G Profile
- Annual sales of $15MM to $50MM
- Basic manufacturing processes with fragmented competition
- Positive cash flow
- Growth potential, either internally or through follow-on acquisition
- Capable middle management willing to stay after acquisition